

    The official website of China Central Television, the nation’s largest national broadcasting network, and a leading source of information on China, Asia, and the world. 4 July 2017: “CCTV.com is now looking for quality freelancers to contribute article …



    A monthly outdoor recreational magazine that targets an active outdoors audience in Seattle and Portland. Topics include Outdoor Recreation, Adventure Travel, Training Evaluation and Tips, Health and Nutrition, Local Outdoor News and Trends, Local Athl …


    Sandpoint Magazine

    A magazine published twice yearly, which chronicles the town of Sandpoint, Idaho, with high-quality stories, photography and artwork. Winter and summer editions are published in November and May. 75% freelance written. Payment is $0.20 per word for reg …



    An Internet-based, regional publication, focusing on travel, wildlife, geology, desert lore, cultural and natural history related to the North American Desert regions. Pays $50 for each article with photos.