Country: United KingdomFreelance Writing Market - Image
Location: London  
Pays? Yes
Publication's Web Site

Writer's Guidelines for New Humanist

A bi-monthly magazine that supports and promotes humanism and rational inquiry, and opposes religious dogma, irrationalism and bunkum wherever it is found. Carries articles with a humanist perspective. Seeks submissions on religion (critical), humanism, human rights, philosophy, current events, literature, history and science. No fiction. Length: Up to 2,000 words. Pay: Nominal (but negotiable) payment for features.

Direct Link to Publisher's Guidelines

This market was added to our database on November 2, 2011, and was last modified on May 23, 2013.

Filed under: history, religion, science, thinking & politics

A Quick Guide to Pay Rates in our Markets Database High = $0.29+ per word. Medium = $0.15 - $0.28 per word. Low = up to $0.14 per word. All rates are approximate and usually indicate a publication's upper end.