Country: Hong Kong
Location: Aberdeen  
Pays? Yes
Publication's Web Site

Writer's Guidelines for Hong Kong University Press

The objective of the Press is to contribute to the spread and exchange of knowledge and scholarship by publishing academic, professional and educational works in all disciplines. In addition to academic works, the Press also publishes titles that are popular in nature and respectable in content. There is naturally emphasis upon Asian and Hong Kong topics.

Direct Link to Publisher's Guidelines

This market was added to our database on July 20, 2011, and was last modified on July 20, 2011.

Filed under: book publishers, education

A Quick Guide to Pay Rates in our Markets Database High = $0.29+ per word. Medium = $0.15 - $0.28 per word. Low = up to $0.14 per word. All rates are approximate and usually indicate a publication's upper end.