Country: United KingdomFreelance Writing Market - Image
Location: London  
Pays? Yes
Publication's Web Site

Writer's Guidelines for Granta

A quarterly magazine of new writing. Publishes original literary fiction, non-fiction and journalism. Granta is committed to discovering and publishing the finest new fiction and non-fiction from around the world. They do charge a reading free for submissions, but have a system for a certain number of free submissions from authors on a low income. Paying market.

Direct Link to Publisher's Guidelines

This market was added to our database on January 13, 2012, and was last modified on February 11, 2021.

Filed under: book publishers, fiction, freelance photography, literary, new writers

A Quick Guide to Pay Rates in our Markets Database High = $0.29+ per word. Medium = $0.15 - $0.28 per word. Low = up to $0.14 per word. All rates are approximate and usually indicate a publication's upper end.