Self-Published Authors Earning 39% of All Ebook Royalties on Kindle Store

The latest quarterly report from Author Earnings has been published and estimates that self-published authors are now earning nearly 40% of all ebook royalties on the Kindle store. One of the key objectives of Author Earnings i …

Sony Reader Store to Close on 20 March

It is now more than a month since Sony announced their plan to close the Sony Reader Store  in the U.S. and Canada and it is only a few days until the closure takes place. Here is a quick heads up for those who need to take any further action. It …

Indie Publishing News RoundUp – 7 Jan 2014

Here is a quick round-up of publishing stories making the news in this first week of 2014. Smashwords is reporting that author revenue was up 33% in 2013, to $20 million from $15 million the year before. There are now 275,000 titles (up 45%) and 8 …

Kindle Matchbook: Amazon Will Bundle Ebooks With Print

Amazon has announced a new service called Kindle Matchbook where customers can buy discounted ebook versions of print books they purchase or have purchased in the past. “For thousands of qualifying books, your past, present, and future print-editi …